It's a Christmas miracle! A blog entry! Does this thing still work?!
I can't believe it's been six months since I've blogged. That's the longest I've gone in five years of blogging.
We've had a busy, busy six months. I'm sure you have too!
Katie has spent some more time at doctor's appointments. She's failed two more hearing tests on the right side, but nobody seems too concerned with that. Um, other than me. Her tubes are starting to work their way out, and I completely expect her to get another set. Before that, I'm going to insist on another hearing test, because I think that the hearing on the right side may be effecting her speech development. With all of that said, I'm not overly concerned with it. We'll get it worked out one way or another.

We also FINALLY got an x-ray of her dislocated hip! HALLELUJAH! I never thought I'd be so happy and excited to see a bone out of the socket. She is scheduled {again} for a femoral and pelvic osteotomy on the left side. She's currently scheduled for late March, though we're hoping for a cancellation spot to open up before then. Her doctor estimates 4-8 hours for surgery and then 3-4 days in the hospital and 6-ish weeks in a spica cast. Good times! We're trying to have no expectations so we're not disappointed about how hard it will be. I hate for her to have to go through it, but I am looking forward to some resolution. . . hopefully.
In August we celebrated Chris' birthday.
We also had first days of school. Kindergarten for Jack, fourth grade for David, third grade for Henry.
And Kindergarten for this sweet thing. She started at a new school with about 60% of her day in a general education class and 40% of her day in a special education class. There have been a lot of bumps in this road, and we're slowly working them out. Inclusion into a general education class has not been an easy process for us, but we're not giving up. That's a whole other blog post for a different day.
We took a trip to Washington D.C., which everyone loved. It was a surprise for the kids, and we had an awesome time.
We loved D.C., and we'll definitely go back. I felt like we only got to see and do a tiny fraction of what's there.
We also got to see these sweeties and their mama, which made my heart very happy.
We had a fun Halloween. Gone are the days of me picking cute costumes for them to wear. Katie loved going to everyone's house and saying "Trick treat!" More than that, she liked handing out the candy at our own house. She was a great helper.
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving at Gigi and Grampy's house. My grandparents came to visit, which was wonderful. My only favorite cousin and his girlfriend came also, which was a surprise for everyone. It was a great weekend, and I wish they all never had to leave.
Four generations of my mom's side of the family, including my grandparents with all of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I love this! |
We surprised the kids with a trip to Disney for Christmas. They were shocked!
We've been having a great time. Disney at Christmas is some crowded business. That doesn't always translate well with a child with sensory issues, but we're having a lot of fun.
I think they all loved the beach more than Disney. . . something to think about for the next time, for sure.

Most of my last six months has been spent sewing. In July, I launched my little sewing business, The Crazy Kukla Boutique. That little venture was far, far busier than I ever could have imagined. It turned into a second full-time job. I would come home from work and start working on sewing until 11:00 or midnight, every night. I made almost 200 Little Mama Diaper Bag sets between July 1st and December 23rd. I had 96 sales through my etsy shop during that time period, and easily twice that through my Facebook page. Chris would spend large portions of his day cutting things out for me so they were ready for me to sew at night. I could never have made it through the Christmas season without him and his help. I bought a monogramming machine, which I am in love with, and that made me even busier. I absolutely love my sewing business, but I didn't want a second full-time job, nor did I ever, ever anticipate that it would turn into one. I was completely overwhelmed and stressed during Christmas trying to get the orders done. And for what? Sure, I made some extra money. I made a lot of cute things. I had a lot of sales. I don't think, in the end, it's worth it. I am going to cut way, way back with the sewing in 2014. I'm still figuring out what that will mean for The Crazy Kukla Boutique, but I'll figure it out.
I hope you had a wonderful 2013. I'm looking forward to what 2014 will bring.
Happy New Year!