



Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Yes, that's me.  The Worst.Blogger.Ever.

Someone please find me about 10 more hours per day.

My job is insane right now with tax time coming, year end things that had to be done, budget for 2013, and not to mention all of the clients who are now hiring an attorney with their shiny new tax refund dollars.  

David is having some lovely behavior lately, which has prompted us to return to OT for a little refresher.  If you've never hung out with an almost 9 year old child with sensory issues, Tourette's, and the first indications of a tween attitude, let me tell you that you're really missing out.  Good times people.  Good times.

I feel like I'm constantly stretched too thin, which leaves me feeling like I am giving NOTHING 100%.  Not a great feeling.  I would normally just get up earlier.  Um, if I get up earlier than 4 a.m., I've officially only taken a nap.  That's ridiculous.  

I don't want my blog to be a whiney blog, but I'm feeling whiney right now.  I have a ton of stuff to do and not enough hours in the day.  I've made myself a big to-do list for tomorrow and hopefully will knock out a lot of it so I have time for fun things, like blogging or sewing or working out or sleeping.


  1. I always feel like I give nothing 100%. My kids, my job, everything gets about 50% if I'm lucky. Some days not even that. You are doing fine. The fact that you even get something done on the To Do list is an accomplishment. Give yourself a break, a pat on the back, and don't feel guilty. I whine all the time to myself. It's like an olympic sport. :)

  2. I was wondering about you!!!! Glad you are alive LOL...barely ;) Whine away sister!!! You are a rockstar.

  3. Bless your heart. It's ok to take a bloggy break every now and then! Hugs to you!

  4. I feel the same way all the time. I am convinced those who don't and have more than 2 kids are lying LOL. If they aren't I don't believe them...

  5. hey kim!! got your sweet comment! I love finding new blogs!! cant wait to catch up!


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